So it seems in my rush to judgement I may have made an egregious error. The type that journalists frown upon. I did not do the proper research, and mistakenly named Sullivan County Renaissance for Sullivan County Economic Development.
When I got home today there was a message from someone who works for Sullivan Renaissance, saying he had read my blog, and wanted to talk to me about a few points. First I thought "Wow people are actually reading this." But then I became suspicious because people never just want to check in, so I did some background, and I really messed it up.
Sullivan Partnership for Economic Development is the group that helped the Dancing Cat get their grant, and who have not acted all that excited about loaning me any money to start a Bethel Re/Max. Sullivan Renaissance is a mostly privately funded company through Mr. Gerry, who I have the ultimate respect for. (OK I can see the eye rolls as Ducey kisses a little ass.) But I am serious. Bethel Woods would not be here were it not for Gerry. He is a self made man, who has given, and keeps giving back to his community. Of all the grand schemes we have heard that were going to come to Sullivan County, and change the landscape, his is the only one that stuck. Dave Matthews plays in our backyard now, and we have him to thank.
So I apologize to the Sullivan Renaissance. (Which I also will do on the phone tomorrow.) I do think that my original thoughts are valid. I don't think seminars and grants are the way to clean up our county's eyesores, but I'm just sitting behind a computer. These people are out there trying things, and for that I applaud them.
Alright, I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut and sell some houses for a bit.
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