Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Catskill Concierge

I have decided in my unending quest for extreme wealth, to start a business, while still building my real estate empire.

Seriously though, it seems that on every transaction, as the second home buyer nears the closing date, I start to get the questions. Do you know someone who can plow my driveway? Do you know a good plumber? What is the crime rate in this ares? Do I need a good security system?

Everyone is busy, and most people who are successful enough to afford a second home purely for leisure, are working pretty hard to achieve such a level of financial success, and it takes up a pretty healthy chunk of their time. Owning a second home requires a certain level of maintenance, and that part of home ownership can be a drag.

Most don't seem to mind the lawn mowing and gardening (because on 2nd ave and 84th, on the 12th floor, there is very little lawn) but the other stuff, general house work, snow plowing, window washing etc. Who wants to spend their weekends doing that? And then there is the dreaded "freeze-up" where the heat shuts off in an unoccupied house, and a pipe bursts.

So with the help of a small team of eager currently unemployed entrepreneurs, we are in the process of starting Catskill Concierge, a full service concierge service in Sullivan County. It is in its infancy stage, but I would love to hear some feedback, and hopefully a few customers. I attached a link to the new website below.


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