Friday, July 16, 2010

Cool Thunderstorm

Took a few shots of a pretty neat storm that went through Callicoon a few days ago. Left behind a rainbow. See, all of you who say I dwell on the negative--life really is rainbows and butterflys.

New historic lows on mortgage rates. And yet the market remains slow. National news just reported one in every eighty-seven homes has received a foreclosure notice. And one in every four homes owes more on the mortgage than the home is worth.

However if you are the few lucky ones who have some capital, now is the time. It may stay this low for a little bit, but it can't forever, and just like there are some nights that I lie awake thinking about how I sold my Apple stock at 18$ a share (pre Ipod, Iphone I friggin everything), there will be quite a few who will say shoulda, woulda, coulda.

There are five homes scattered about Sullivan County that I think are incredibly deals. It amazes me each week they are still on the market.

Once again...when do the cliff divers of Acapulco jump? When they water or when they see rocks? Well the water is coming in.

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